Val Browning Brieanna Shaffer Award

Given annually to the family or adult individual within Stoughton Youth Hockey Association that has displayed exemplary sportsmanship, encouraging and positive attitude, and exceptional volunteerism. It is for families or individuals that consistently display these attributes that help make youth sports and Stoughton Youth Hockey a positive and successful environment. 

Brieanna Shaffer

Brieanna Shaffer didn't grow up around the sport of hockey, she was married into hockey when she met her husband Taylor. Brieanna selflessly gave up her husband during the winter months so he could give back to the community and coach youth hockey. It was typical to see Brieanna at all the tournaments and games sitting with the parents, cheering and encouraging all the skaters. It was common to see Brieanna help organize team events and gatherings. As a coach's wife, Brieanna Shaffer exhibited a positive and helpful attitude, a true understanding and patience of volunteerism, and positive encouragement towards youth sports. Association members like Brieanna are what helps make youth hockey successful both on and off the ice. 

Val Browning was an exemplary hockey mom. She supported, raised, and helped grow the passion and love for hockey that her two sons have kept with them their entire lives. Val spent countless hours inside the Mandt Center and many other surrounding rinks supporting all the teams her kids played on as a hockey mom and an outstanding volunteer to the youth hockey club. Val was always stepping up and helping the team and the club by volunteering for many of the club events and fundraisers throughout the year. She was known as a club member and parent that could always be counted on to sacrifice her time to help grow Stoughton Youth Hockey and hockey in general. She has encouraged and cheered on a countless number of kids while watching hundreds of games and practices, helping drive the love for hockey and youth sports with these kids. As Val would say, Peace Out. 

Val Browning

Nomination Process

Each February, the Age Level Directors will give nominations of an individual or family to the President and Director of Hockey for consideration. As part of their nomination the ALD's will give examples of how the nominated family or person embodied the values and exceptional volunteerism exhibited by Val and Brieanna.

The President and Director of Hockey will work with the Shaffer and Browning family to select the recipient of the award which is announced at the annual golf outing.

Past Winners

2023- Josh and Sarah Ihlenfeld Family

2024- Shannon and Brady Salter Family

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